Distances/Events - Sat, Sept 20
Triathlon - 500 Meter Swim • 15 Mile Bike • 3.1 Mile Run
Duathlon - 2 Mile Run • 15 Mile Bike • 3.1 Mile Run
Aquabike - 500 Meter Swim • 15 Mile Bike
Age Groups (Tri) - Open to everyone.
General or Overall (Du & Aquabike) - Open to everyone.
Rookie/First-Timer (Tri) - Open to anyone competing in their first triathlon.
Clydesdales & Athenas (Tri) - Males over 220lbs & Females over 165lbs.
Guardians (Tri) - Active & Retired Police, Fire, EMS, Military & Spouses
Relay Teams (Tri & Du) - Open to everyone.
Para Athletes (Tri & Du) - This category is for any athlete with a disability or impairment that makes them eligible to compete in Para sports.
Guide for Para Athlete (Tri & Du) - This category is exclusively for guides of para athletes/runners.
More Event Info
Illustrated 2-Page PDF Course Maps
Not as detailed as the live Google Map above but simplistic and easy to review the courses and how they flow. Printable as well.
2 or 3-Person Teams - Swim, Bike, Run OR Run, Bike, Run
Relay Team Registration - We offer a relay option for both the Triathlon and Duathlon but not the Aquabike. If/when the Aquabike grows in size to the point the demand to add a relay is there, we will consider adding it at that time. The way we have relay teams currently setup for the tri and du is that one person, the team captain, completes their registration for themselves and the team. This DOES NOT mean that the team captain registers their teammates. What it means is that the captain completes their own registration as captain and as a member of the team and pays for the entry in full establishing the team, by name. When they are done with this step the other member(s) of the team may register and join the team free of the base registration fee, because the captain already paid in full. To do this they simply register just like anyone else and select the established team, by name, from a "Join Team" dropdown menu on the third page of registration. Once a team is selected the individuals registration will be reduced to zero dollars in the cart.
Packet Pickup - One team member may pickup the entire team packet but must follow the same steps to get someone else's packet (teammates) as anyone else in the event picking up for someone that is not them. Visit the PACKET PICKUP PAGE, for more details. Each team gets one of every item except for the cycling jersey and finisher medals, each member will receive their own in regards to those.
Transition - Relay teams rack their bike and put their gear down next to it like everyone else. Relay teams are permitted to enter and exit transition at will throughout the morning even when no one else is and transition is closed.
Timing Chip - Each team gets one chip. This chip will be on the bike rack next to your assigned spot like everyone else's. Remove it and place it on the left ankle of the swimmer. When the swimmer completes the swim he/she MUST run to the team spot in transition before swapping the chip to the biker. We recommend the runner then completes the timing chip swap from the swimmer to the biker. When the biker is done the swap must also happen at the rack and we recommend the swimmer swaps the chip from biker to the runner. It's best practice to always keep the chip strapped to the left ankle. This is most important on the bike to keep it as far away from the crank as possible.
Finisher's Medals - The runner of the team should get the amount of medals needed for the other team member(s) when they cross the finish line and distribute them post race.
Run 2mi, Bike 15mi , Run 3.1mi (No Swim) - First run is a different course and shorter than the second.
Duathletes follow all the same rules, steps, and procedures shown on the website for the individual triathletes. The only difference is that the duathlon start is just outside of transition and the first leg of the event is a 2-mile out-and-back run on the dike. Beyond that initial duathlon run the rest of the event is the same. The third leg, the 3.1-mile run, is different from the first duathlon run and uses the same course as the triathlon. All duathletes get a medal at the end and the same great food and drink. There are awards for Duathletes but for the overall top male and female finishers only. Duathletes get all the same items in packet pickup as everyone else with the exception of the swim cap.
Swim 500m & Bike 15mi (No Run)
Aquabikers follow all the same rules, steps, and procedures shown on the website for the individual triathletes. The only difference is that the aquabike finishes after the bike, when the aquabike participant dismounts their bike and crosses the Bike-In timing mat going into transition. Aquabike athletes may also retrieve all their gear from transition immediately upon finishing since they are in transition to rerack their bike anyway. Instead of reracking just pack up all your stuff and take it with you please. If you meet any resistance on the way out of transition please just kindly let our transition volunteers and staff know you are an aquabiker and they will let you pass. Join us at the finish line to claim your finish medal and enjoy some delicious food and drink at post race. There are awards for Aquabikers but for the overall top male and female finishers only. Aquabikers get all the same items in packet pickup as everyone else with the exception of the run bib. Since aquabikers do not cross the same finish line as the rest of the athletes, please be sure to return your timing chip and ankle strap to the timer at the finish line when you claim your finisher’s medal.
Live Google Course Map
Click the button below for a live Google Map of the race site, showing parking, post-race activities, and course maps. It indicates your position (blue dot) relative to all race-related areas, making it useful for spectators, volunteers, and runners.
We have a bank of restrooms in the transition area. Additionally, there are a few more near the post-race area parking lot, contributing to the city's portable restroom options.
On-Course Hydration
We will have hydration stations stocked with water and Gatorade at the exit of Transition for your run, as well as at miles 1.3, 2, and the Finish Line. The swim and bike courses do not have any hydration stations, so please plan accordingly.
Post Race Food & Drink
All finishers will have access to post-race food and drink near the finish line area. This race Is known for it's breakfast tacos and beer!
Course Medical
Medical staff will be stationed at the finish line and roaming the course throughout the morning.