Claiming Your Award & The Official Awards Ceremony
Our official awards ceremony will be around 10:00 am. You can claim your award earlier, once the times are verified, if you'd rather not stay. Awards will be under the gazebo, next to the finish line.
“Biggest Team” Prizes
The team with the most registrants will win one Xterra wetsuit and three free entries to next year’s race. Choose your team affiliation during registration. If your team is not listed, email us.
Awards Distribution
Individual awards Medals (Gold, Silver, Bronze with blue, red, white ribbons) will be awarded to both males and females as follows:
Category availability varies by event. Please refer to the “Courses” page for a complete list of categories for each event.
XTERRA WETSUITS will be awarded to the Triathlon Overall Male & Female Winners!
Overall Winner (Tri, Du, & Aquabike)
Top FinisherOverall Masters, 40-49 Years Young (Tri, Du, & Aquabike)
Top FinisherOverall Grand Masters, 50+ Years Young (Tri & Du)
Top FinisherOverall Paratriathlete (Tri & Du)
Top FinisherAge Group (Tri)
Top 3 finishers per the following age groups:
Under 15, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80 & OverClydesdales, Over 220lbs & Athenas, Over 165lbs (Tri)
Top 3 finishers per the following groups:
Under 40, 40 & OverGuardians consist of Police, EMS, Fire, and Military (Tri & Du)
Top 3 finishersRelays (Tri)
Top 3 finishers per the following gender groups:
All Males, All Females, & MixedRelays (Du)
Top finishers per the following gender groups:
All Males, All Females, & Mixed